Aging: Can You Slow It Down?
The first few weeks of the New Year are often focused on the resolve to lose weight, when in actuality people should focus their goals on slowing down aging, no matter the time of year. The only regimen that clinically achieves results in slowing the aging process is calorie restriction without malnutrition. Why? It’s not simply losing weight but orchestrating the complex interplay of reducing senescent cells, reprograming your metabolism, and changing gene expression, leading to a longer and better life. A Timeline of Calorie Restriction The first recorded human experiments with calorie restriction began with the written books of Luigi Cornaro in the 16th century, as I outlined in my book The Anti-Aging Zone, published in 1999. However, the molecular mechanisms of why calorie restriction is so effective required more recent breakthroughs in metabolism and epigenetics that were confirmed with the CALERIE study that carefully controlled the diets of 225 participants over two years and then ongoing testing of their retained blood samples. The results of the CALERIE study have been impressive. However, the one clear take-home lesson was that reduction of insulin resistance was the most predictive blood marker correlated with the genetic changes and the decrease in senescent cells that ultimately accelerate aging. The Zone on Calorie Restriction The Zone diet is a calorie-restricted diet that was patented to reduce insulin resistance. It requires balancing macronutrients at each meal to generate the rapid hormonal changes that give rise to satiety. Only then can you follow calorie restriction for a lifetime without hunger and fatigue. It starts with having enough protein at each meal to create satiety in the brain's appetite control center. You need about 30 grams of protein (no more, but no less) at each meal to generate the same hormonal responses induced by the recent injectable weight loss drugs. However, you also must balance that protein with an adequate level of low-glycemic carbohydrates (about 40 grams) to stabilize blood glucose levels, and then add a dash of monounsaturated fat (about 15 grams). Over the years, it has been demonstrated by more than 40 research publications that the Zone diet is superior to ketogenic diets and the Mediterranean diet under controlled clinical research. A New Technology to Slow Down Aging Unfortunately, many people think the Zone diet requires too much thinking. That’s why I developed Zone Foods to overcome that problem. The first generation of Zone Foods demonstrated dramatic reductions in insulin resistance compared to a control group, getting an equal number of calories (1). The second generation of Zone Foods offers greater variety and even more appetite suppression without thinking. This second generation will include new and improved versions of the Zone Pasta and Zone Bars, with new additions of Zone Muffins, Zone Oatmeal, Zone Granola, Zone Soups, and Zone Cookies (coming soon!). Each Zone Food contains 15 grams of protein, balanced with the appropriate level of low-glycemic carbohydrates, so any combination of two Zone Foods will provide the critical 30 grams of protein at a meal to stop hunger and maintain peak mental awareness for the next five hours. The growing variety of Zone Foods makes following the Zone diet incredibly easy. If you are never hungry, that indicates that you are reducing insulin resistance. The long-term benefit to you is slowing aging, which is only possible with lifelong use of Metabolic Engineering that starts with the Zone diet as its foundation. You May Also Like: Reaching the Zone Using Metabolic Engineering

Metabolism Explained: What You Need to Know
Our view of metabolism tends to be superficial when in actuality it is incredibly complex. We often think of metabolism in terms of it being fast or slow or the efficiency with which we burn energy or fat. While that is a piece of it, metabolism goes well beyond the accumulation or loss of body fat as it involves so many more processes within our body. In this blog, we break down the science of metabolism as explained by Dr. Sears. We start with the basics and work our way towards Dr. Sears' newer themes of Metabolic Engineering and what that means to our personal health. What Is Metabolism? Your metabolism converts food into energy to keep you alive, it optimizes the immune system, and repairs damaged tissue. When your metabolism isn't working efficiently, you accumulate excess body fat, suffer decreased mental and physical performance, and your immune system becomes less efficient. These outcomes, caused by growing inefficiency in your metabolism, accelerate your rate of aging. What Metabolism Does Controls weight. When your metabolism is performing optimally, the weight comes off and stabilizes. Provides physical energy and mental focus. Your metabolism's job is to turn food into energy. Do you get tired shortly after meals or in the afternoon? Do you have brain fog or trouble concentrating? This means something is in the way of that energy creation. Slows the aging process to maintain wellness. When a poorly functioning metabolism isn't providing enough energy to your cells, aging speeds up and wellness goes down. Why Your Metabolism May Not Be Working Efficiently Insulin resistance is not a disease, but an indication that your metabolism is becoming less efficient. The primary reason your metabolism might not be operating at peak efficiency is called insulin resistance. What Causes Insulin Resistance? Insulin resistance is caused by a pro-inflammatory diet, which can result from any one of three following nutritional factors· A deficiency in certain nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols. An excess intake of calories, glucose, omega-6 fatty acids, and palmitic acid An unbalanced protein-to-carbohydrate ratio in your diet. The more of these dietary factors you have in your current diet, the more likely you are to have insulin resistance. How Do You Know If You Have Insulin Resistance? Your body will tell you if you're developing insulin resistance - weight gain and the loss of physical energy and mental focus are some of the first physical signs of increasing resistance. Yet insulin resistance often starts years earlier before you see those physical signs. Ultimately your blood will confirm the existence of insulin resistance. It is measured by a simple blood test known as HOMA-IR. lf your HOMA-IR level is greater than two, you have insulin resistance. Once a person develops insulin resistance, it's usually just a matter of time before any one of the many chronic problems caused by insulin resistance begins to appear. How Do You Make Your Metabolism More Efficient? Your metabolism converts food into energy, controls your immune system, regulates the expression of your genes, controls tissue regeneration, and finally controls your rate of aging. That is an impressive list, but to get those benefits, you must continually manage the metabolism in each of the 37 trillion cells in your body. Although metabolism is complex, there's a relatively simple dietary system that can fine-tune the metabolism in every cell in your body. To do so, you must understand the power of Metabolic Engineering TM. Metabolic Engineering TM There is no magic bullet to reduce insulin resistance, but there is a proven dietary system. It's called Metabolic Engineering. Metabolic Engineering is designed to reprogram the metabolism of each of your 37 trillion cells. It comprises three distinct dietary interventions: omega-3 fatty acids, polyphenols, and the patented Zone diet working as a team to reprogram your metabolism for greater efficiency. The Zone diet helps reduce insulin resistance, omega-3 fatty acids resolve inflammation caused by insulin resistance, and polyphenols repair the damage caused by insulin resistance. These are the 3Rs necessary to maintain wellness. Dietary Components Of Metabolic Engineering Consider these three dietary interventions as the 3Rs (Reduce, Resolve, and Repair) you need to return your metabolism to peak efficiency. Any one of the three dietary components of Metabolic Engineering is beneficial. Still, you need all three to be working together to reduce insulin resistance most effectively to get you to the Zone. The Zone diet (especially when using our Zone Foods) provides the dietary pathway to reduce inflammation. It's also the most clinically proven diet to reduce insulin resistance. In fact, the Zone diet is patented to reduce insulin resistance. However, equally important is the need for adequate levels of highly purified omega-3 fatty acids (OmegaRx) and polyphenols (MaquiRx) as dietary supplements to further resolve residual inflammation caused by insulin resistance and repair cellular damage caused by insulin resistance. The true goal of medicine should be not to treat the symptoms of chronic disease but to maintain wellness. The more efficient your metabolism becomes by following Metabolic Engineering, the faster you reduce insulin resistance. As insulin resistance is decreased, you lose excess body fat, reduce fatigue, and slow down the rate of aging. Metabolic Engineering allows you to quickly enjoy the benefits of improved wellness - and more importantly, for the rest of your life. The three dietary components of Metabolic Engineering (the Zone diet, omega-3 fatty acids, and polyphenols) work as a team to get you into the Zone.

Reaching the Zone Using Metabolic Engineering
People often ask, “What exactly is the Zone, and what are the benefits of being there?” The short answer is that the Zone can be defined as the absence of insulin resistance, and the benefit of being in the Zone is living a longer and better life. “How do I get in the Zone?” The process of getting “in the Zone” is a little more complex because it involves understanding Metabolic Engineering™. You have probably heard that genetic engineering is the future of medicine. However, I believe that Metabolic Engineering™ will have a far more significant impact. The reason is that controlling your metabolism is far more complex and vastly more impactful than any breakthrough envisioned by the biotechnology industry using genetic engineering. Your metabolism converts food into energy, controls your immune system, regulates the expression of your genes, controls tissue regeneration, and finally controls your aging rate. It’s an impressive list. But to get those benefits, you must continually manage the metabolism in each of the 37 trillion cells in your body. Although this may seem like Mission Impossible, Metabolic Engineering™ makes it possible. Understanding Metabolic Engineering™ I started the field of Metabolic Engineering™ nearly 30 years ago with the publication of my first book, The Zone, in 1995. The patent for the Zone diet as a drug to reduce insulin resistance was issued in 2000. However, just as the understanding of the complexity of metabolism has been expanding, so has the evolution of my original dietary concepts of controlling metabolism on a lifetime basis. Metabolic Engineering™ is a comprehensive dietary system to activate the master regulator of your metabolism (AMPK) in every one of your 37 trillion cells. By doing so, you can reduce, if not eliminate, insulin resistance in a short period (clinical studies indicate as little as four days). Unfortunately, it can reappear just as quickly. Therefore, controlling your metabolism is a lifetime effort if you want a longer and better life. Why? Because the longer you have insulin resistance, the more likely you are to develop obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, liver and kidney disease, and neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Think of Metabolic Engineering™ as a three-legged stool. Sitting on a one-legged stool is impossible, and a two-legged stool is just as precarious. But if you have three legs of equal length, that stool becomes incredibly stable. The three legs of Metabolic Engineering™ are the Zone diet, omega-3 fatty acids, and a particular class of polyphenols known as delphinidins. Each is useful individually, but when combined into a consistent dietary system, they become a powerful force to reduce insulin resistance by reprogramming each of your 37 trillion cells. How to uncover if you have insulin resistance? Your blood will tell you if you currently have insulin resistance. There is a simple blood known as HOMA-IR. If your HOMA-IR level is less than one, you have no insulin resistance, and your health future is bright. About one percent of Americans are in this group. On the other hand, your HOMA-IR is greater than two, you have insulin resistance, and your health future is bleak. The average American has a HOMA-IR of 2.7. This level of insulin resistance in Americans explains our rapidly increasing cost of health care. However, that future can be changed by following Metabolic Engineering™. Rather than focusing on treating chronic disease, my vision is that the future of medicine will be refocused on maintaining chronic wellness. That means living in the Zone for a lifetime.

Metabolism Q&A
When we think about metabolism we often think about it tied to body weight. The thought being that those with fast metabolisms are leaner, those with slow metabolisms are overweight. You might be surprised to learn that the size or composition of an individual, isn't necessarily tied into whether their metabolism is fast or slow, but how efficient it is. In this Q&A, Dr. Sears talks about metabolism, how it plays a role in things outside of body weight, and why the focus should change from increasing your metabolism to making it more efficient. Q. What is Metabolism? A. Metabolism can be defined as the ability of the body to convert the food you eat into energy. When you consume excess calories your metabolism becomes less efficient and more of these incoming calories become stored as excess body fat instead of being used to make the energy needed to maintain optimal performance. Your metabolism is what controls your immune system and orchestrates your ability to repair damage in each of your 37 trillion cells. It’s a highly dynamic system that keeps you alive. It can be controlled (and optimized) by your diet.Q. What dietary factors are most important to have a healthy metabolism?A. An efficient metabolism requires a combination of macronutrients (protein, carbohydrate, and fat) as well as fermentable fiber and polyphenols. Maintaining those nutrients within appropriate ranges is the key to improved metabolic performance. For a more efficient metabolism, you need approximately 30 grams of protein (but not more) at each meal to increase the release of hormones from your gut that go directly to the brain to tell you to stop eating. You also need adequate fermentable fiber, whose metabolism in the gut will further enhance the release of those satiety hormones from the gut. You can get more omega-3 fatty acids by eating more fatty fish or taking fish oil supplements. All three work together to improve metabolic efficacy. This is what I call Metabolic Engineering.Q. What do you recommend as a starting point for someone who wants to start implementing these changes to their diet?A. Your goal with metabolism is to focus on increasing its efficiency. The starting point is consuming the least number of calories you need at each meal to generate the complex hormonal cascade that stops hunger. Excess glucose and fat inhibit the master regulator of metabolism (AMPK) in every cell in your body. To begin, start a meal with protein to curb calorie intake and hunger. Regardless of your weight, sex, or age, you need to consume about 30 grams of protein to set in motion the complex metabolic cycle that stops hunger for the next five hours. You will then need to balance that protein with moderate levels of low-glycemic load carbohydrates (i.e. non-starchy vegetables, small amounts of fruit) and low levels of fat to generate the optimal hormonal responses that eliminate hunger. That is the basis of the Zone diet.Q. In the past you recommended the Zone Body Fat Calculator as way to determine your protein needs, have these protein requirements changed?A. The Zone Body Fat Calculator determines the minimum daily protein levels needed to maintain your current muscle mass, not necessarily enough to suppress hunger for the next five hours. To get this hunger suppression is why I recommend 30 grams of protein at a meal. If you are hungry, you are likely to consume excess calories throughout the day, decreasing overall metabolic efficiency.Q. What benefits will you see in someone who has optimized their metabolism?A. The benefits of an efficient metabolism look like the following: Burns fat faster: Yes, you know about this benefit. But did you know that when your metabolism is optimally efficient, excess body fat comes off and stabilizes without sacrifice, starvation, or grueling workouts? It’s true. Maintains physical energy and mental focus: Your metabolism’s job is to turn food into energy. Do you get tired shortly after meals or in the afternoon? Do you have brain fog or trouble concentrating? That means your metabolism is not doing its job maintaining energy production. Slows the aging process to maintain wellness: Humans are designed to remain lean, strong, and vital for far longer than you might think. Again, when an inefficient functioning metabolism doesn’t provide enough energy to your cells, aging speeds up, and wellness decreases. Have more questions for Dr. Sears? Drop them in the comments below!

Allulose: A Natural Sugar for Better Glycemic Control
One of the critical factors for the success of the Zone diet is improved glycemic control. This concept simply means that blood sugar levels are more stabilized from one meal to the next. The benefits are lack of hunger, better mental cognition, and reduction of inflammation. For decades, the diabetic research community has known that fructose has been the ideal simple sugar for better glycemic control. The reason is that fructose has a glycemic index that is five times lower than glucose. Consequently, this means less glucose enters the blood, and the result is better hormonal control. Part of the reason is that much of the dietary fructose never reaches the blood because bacteria metabolize it in the gut. That’s why I have always used fructose as a primary carbohydrate in Zone bars and shakes. It just makes scientific sense. Unfortunately, like politics, science is also prone to social media. In 2004, a short letter was written observing a correlation in the rise of obesity with the increase of high-fructose corn syrup (1). Keep in mind that high-fructose corn syrup is about 50 percent fructose and 50 percent glucose which is virtual identical to the composition of table sugar. Then came several popular diet books such as Fat Chance claiming our obesity epidemic is caused by fructose (2). One problem with that theory is that fruits are rich in fructose, and no one has ever advocated the stopping of fruit consumption. Another problem with that theory is that high-fructose corn syrup consumption peaked in 1999 and has declined by 40 percent since that time (3). Today the consumption of high-fructose corn syrup is below the level it was in 1990, and our obesity epidemic continues to increase. Rather than cursing the darkness of quasi-scientific misinformation, the best policy is to embrace new science. Now an alternative sweetener has come to market that might have even better glycemic properties than fructose. That’s why I am excited about allulose. Allulose is a natural sugar found in low quantities in various fruits. What is unique about allulose is that 90 percent never enters the blood and thus goes directly to the colon to improve gut health. Consequently, the FDA doesn’t consider allulose to be a sugar because it is not absorbed, but the FDA also doesn’t treat it as a fiber. It's like a “phantom” carbohydrate. However, what it does do in the gut is to increase AMPK levels (4). One of the consequences of activating AMPK is that you live longer (5). Thus, allulose can be considered an “anti-aging “sugar. Now that allulose can be produced in large amounts by biotechnology, it has been recently granted Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS) status meaning it can be incorporated into food products. This opens up an entirely new potential for our next generation of Zone shakes and bars for enhanced glycemic control. For example, with the replacement of fructose by allulose in our ZoneRx shakes (currently available in Chocolate and Vanilla), the decrease in total carbohydrates now allows for the addition of extra berries to each shake to achieve a truly Zone balance. The amount of berries we recommend for better glycemic control is based on science not guessing. I recommend adding two blocks of berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries). That is also about 1 cup or about 6 oz of berries. This amount adds even more polyphenols and fermentable fiber to the final ZoneRx shake while maintaining the Zone macronutrient balance needed for optimal hormonal control. Of course, it also makes a complete meal that tastes likes a gourmet dessert in seconds. For maximum convenience, just purchase frozen berries (they have a higher nutrient quality than fresh berries) and keep enough already thawed in the refrigerator to make about two Zone shakes. As the leader in nutrition for the last 30 years, we are the first company to have shakes using allulose. Our ZoneRx bars containing allulose are under development and will be available shortly. The more science we can bring to your kitchen, the easier it becomes to retake control of your health by being in the Zone. ZoneRx Chocolate and Vanilla Shakes Now Contain Allulose References Bray GA et al. “Consumption of high-fructose corn syrup in beverages may play a role in the epidemic of obesity.” Am J ClinNutr 79:537-43 (2004) Lustig RH. Fat Chance. Penguin Books. New York, NY (2012) USDA Economic Research Service. “Per capita sweetener deliveries show steady downturn largely due to reduced demand for high fructose corn syrup.” Sugar and Sweetners Data (2021) Shintani T et al. “d-Allulose, a stereoisomer of d-fructose, extends Caenorhabditis elegans lifespan through a dietary restriction mechanism: A new candidate dietary restriction mimetic.” Biochem Biophys Res Commun 493:1528-1533 (2017) Ingram DK and Roth GS. “Glycolytic inhibition: An effective strategy for developing calorie restriction mimetics.” Geroscience https://doi.org/10.1007/s11357-020-00298-7 (2020)

AMPK Explained
If you haven’t heard, Dr. Sears has a new book arriving late summer called the Resolution Zone. One of the themes he writes about is how our bodies heal from injury or inflammation and how a key component in that repair process is activating an enzyme called AMPK. Based on the latest science, Dr. Sears believes activating AMPK is the secret to a longer and better life. AMPK is found in every cell in our body and is a genetic master switch that controls our metabolism. Since metabolism is the essence of life, activating AMPK becomes key to living longer and better. In this blog we’ll give you a quick overview on AMPK, the benefits of activating it and how you can naturally boost your levels to reap its benefits. What is AMP-Activated Protein Kinase (AMPK) AMPK, short for adenosine monophosphate activated protein kinase, is an enzyme found in our cells that plays a critical role in energy metabolism. Think of it as a master switch turning on and off as it regulates energy intake and energy expenditure. When our energy levels become low (e.g. exercise, stress, hunger), that is when AMPK is activated to help restore balance to our cells. Although its primary role is in energy metabolism it is becoming more clear that AMPK has even more benefits at the cellular level. Benefits of AMPK There are numerous benefits that come with activating AMPK: Increases metabolism- it helps convert sugar and fat into energy while decreasing hunger Reduces insulin resistance which is one of the culprits for weight gain Lowers triglyceride levels Normalizes glucose levels Increases blood flow Increases weight loss Increases longevity Decreases inflammation Helps with blood sugar control Helps support heart health Acts as an antioxidant Lifestyle and Dietary Habits that Can Increase the Levels of AMPK Boost the Intensity of Your Workouts: High intensity exercise depletes ATP and activates AMPK. This promotes new mitochondria (where ATP is made) and also helps to repair any damage that results from the intensity of the workout Bump Up Your Intake of Dietary Fiber: Studies have shown that water-soluble, dietary fiber (think oatmeal and apples) can enhance AMPK. This can aid in weight loss and improve lipid and glucose profiles. Curb Your Calories: Eating fewer calories makes fat cells release a hormone called adiponectin which activates AMPK in different tissues. Calorie restriction has been shown to minimize the risk for disease and slow down the aging process. This is the foundation of the Zone Diet. Watch Your Carbs: Consuming too many carbohydrates in your diet can spike the levels of a hormone call insulin. If uncontrolled, high levels of insulin over the long-term can lead to insulin resistance which has been shown to decrease AMPK levels Minimize Inflammation: High levels of inflammation directly inhibit AMPK activation. Foods rich in omega3s like fish and fish oil can help reduce this inflammation. Omega-3 have also been shown to increase the hormone adiponectin which activates AMPK. Get Your Polyphenols: Non-starchy vegetables and fruits are rich in polyphenols (and fiber!). Polyphenols are the chemicals that give fruits and vegetables their color, and can help activate AMPK. Lifestyle and Dietary Habits that Can Decrease the Levels of AMPK Here are some of dietary factors that can work against activating AMPK. Excess calorie intake: Eating too many calories immediately shuts down AMPK. Try to keep intake at any one meal to about 400 calories. Excess glucose intake: The vast majority of glucose in the diet comes from grains and starches. Consuming carbohydrate rich foods like these stops AMPK activity by increasing insulin, a hormone used to control blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance: When our bodies don’t respond properly to insulin it can build up in our blood and lead to a condition called insulin resistance. Elevated insulin levels are powerful inhibitor of AMPK. Ketogenic diets: Ketogenic diets, low carbohydrate, high fat dietary, have recently been linked to insulin resistance, an inhibitor of AMPK, and a risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Following a ketogenic diet makes our body not respond appropriately to insulin. Summary The science behind AMPK is incredibly complex, but as you’ll learn in the Resolution Zone using Pro-Resolution Nutrition (the Zone Diet, omega3s and polyphenols) makes it easier to reap the benefits of AMPK. By focusing on the dietary factors that promote AMPK activity while minimizing those known to decrease it these factors become key to living longer and better. {{cta('099356c2-4978-4ba9-af0c-49dc18772aa1')}}