Purity Counts When Choosing Supplements
Dr. Sears thinks it’s important that you know what you’re putting into your body. This is why we test every lot of MaquiRx, CacaoRx Plus, CacaoRx and SeaHealth for purity and potency and then post the results online. This provides transparency for you to know that your polyphenols pass the high standards of Dr. Sears, which are far more rigid than even those used by the FDA.
See how our supplements measure up by looking at the Purity Report for your specific lot below. Your Lot # can be found on the bottom of your bottle.
View: OmegaRx Purity Reports

MaquiRx – 30 Capsules
Independent Third-Party Testing Reports
Select appropriate lot number to see all the analytical detail.
CacaoRx Plus – 30 Capsules
Independent Third-Party Testing Reports
Select appropriate lot number to see all the analytical detail.
CacaoRx – 30 Capsules
Independent Third-Party Testing Reports
Select appropriate lot number to see all the analytical detail.
SeaHealth Plus – 32 oz. bottle
Independent Third-Party Testing Reports
Select appropriate lot number to see all the analytical detail.