Our Standards

Because of our biotechnology background, we hold our products to higher standards.
Today’s consumer demands more information to make an informed buying decision. Our products are produced for the customer who demands continuing testing of the potency and purity of the products they are consuming.

We pioneered the concept of consumer confidence.
We post the production testing of every lot of omega-3 and polyphenol supplements on our website. Drug companies don't do that, but we have to answer to Dr Sears' standards.

Our omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenol supplements have Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS) status.
Having GRAS status means they can be incorporated into food products. Such GRAS status is possible only if you have done significant toxicology studies on the safety of that supplement, which then must be affirmed by an outside expert review panel. This is what you would expect from a biotechnology company.