Zone Labs Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Test Kit

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Glucose is a carbohydrate found in the blood and is an important and necessary energy source for your body tissues and brain. Too much glucose circulating in your blood stream over time can cause damage to blood vessels and organ tissues. The Hemoglobin A1c is a simple finger-stick blood test that reflects your average blood glucose over the past three months. Since glucose is transported into your cells by insulin, if you develop a condition known as insulin resistance, this transport becomes less effective and over time your average blood glucose will increase and HbA1c will rise.
HbA1c is used primarily as a marker of blood sugar control, but it can also be used as a marker of the activation of AMPK. AMPK is the master switch of metabolism that controls your ability to repair damaged tissue. Hyperglycemia, or high levels of circulating blood glucose, is a primary inhibitor of AMPK activity. Elevated HbA1c can be reduced and managed through the appropriate dietary program that includes following the Zone Diet coupled with omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols. Each of these dietary interventions results in the activation of AMPK which is your master regulator of cellular metabolism which controls the uptake of glucose from the blood into its target cells. You can expect to see changes in your HbA1c level when you retest in 3 months after making significant dietary changes that get you closer to the Zone.
1. Collect Sample: Follow the step-by-step instructions to collect your sample. 2. Mail Sample: Put your sample in the return envelope and drop iti in the mail. 3. Get Results: in 2-3 weeks you will get your personalized results by email. 4. Modify Diet: Use recommendations included with your results to modify diet. Notes:Test available in U.S. and internationally. However, New York state law prohibits the distribution of blood testing kits from Zone Labs. Therefore we are unable to process Internet orders from customers in New York at this time.Due to safety standards associated with medical products, the Zone Labs HbA1c Test Kit is exempt from our 30-day return policy.
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The Details
What is the Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Blood Test?Glucose is a critical energy source for every organ in the body, especially the brain. However, if the glucose circulating in your bloodstream remains elevated over time, this excess glucose can cause damage to blood vessels and organ tissues. Your average long-term blood glucose levels are measured by a simple finger-stick blood test known as hemoglobin A1c. This is the primary test used to determine if you are developing diabetes or the extent of your existing diabetes, as it reflects your average blood glucose over the past three months.Does the HbA1c Blood Test Measure Only Blood Sugar?HbA1c is used primarily as a marker of blood sugar control, but it can also be used as a surrogate marker of the activation of AMPK. AMPK is the master switch of metabolism that controls your ability to repair damaged tissue.  A pro-inflammatory diet inhibits AMPK activity. If AMPK activity is decreased, the cell cannot remove glucose ...
What is the Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Blood Test?Glucose is a critical energy source for every organ in the body, especially the brain. However, if the glucose circulating in your bloodstream remains elevated over time, this excess glucose can cause damage to blood vessels and organ tissues. Your average long-term blood glucose levels are measured by a simple finger-stick blood test known as hemoglobin A1c. This is the primary test used to determine if you are developing diabetes or the extent of your existing diabetes, as it reflects your average blood glucose over the past three months.Does the HbA1c Blood Test Measure Only Blood Sugar?HbA1c is used primarily as a marker of blood sugar control, but it can also be used as a surrogate marker of the activation of AMPK. AMPK is the master switch of metabolism that controls your ability to repair damaged tissue.  A pro-inflammatory diet inhibits AMPK activity. If AMPK activity is decreased, the cell cannot remove glucose from the blood, and HbA1c increases.  Furthermore, maintaining elevated blood glucose inhibits AMPK activity, creating a positive feedback loop that further decreases your metabolism's efficacy. This reduces your immune function, causes the accumulation of stored body fat, makes it more difficult for injuries to heal, and accelerates aging. Understanding this linkage between HbA1c and wellness makes the knowledge of your current HbA1c one of the most critical numbers you need to know.If You Make Dietary Changes, How Soon Can You Expect to See Changes in your A1c?AMPK activity is under robust dietary control.  Restricting calories by using the Zone Diet is one way to increase AMPK activity, as is increasing your intake of EPA and DHA from fish and fish oils.  However, the most potent dietary intervention may be increasing your intake of polyphenols.  Of the 8,000 known polyphenols, the most powerful to activate AMPK is a class known as delphinidins.  Delphinidins are found in low concentrations in blueberries, red grapes, and red wine.  However, delphinidins can be concentrated by special techniques to much higher levels.  For example, one capsule of MaquiRx contains the same levels of delphinidin as found in consuming 48 glasses of red wine.  It has been shown that taking only half the amount of delphinidins found in MaquiRx can significantly lower HbA1c levels in 90 days.What is the ideal range for HbA1c?The ideal range of HbA1c should be between 4.9-5.1%.  Although an HbA1c level of less than 5.7%  is considered “normal,” it is high enough to inhibit AMPK activity, causing insulin resistance. Furthermore, an HbA1c level of 5.7% to 6.4% indicates the presence of prediabetes caused by significant insulin resistance.  An HbA1c level greater than 6.5% indicates the existence of type 2 diabetes caused by severe insulin resistance.  Once you have type 2 diabetes, you are four times more likely to develop heart disease and twice as likely to develop Alzheimer’s.  Therefore, many neurologists consider Alzheimer’s to be type 3 diabetes.
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Questions & Answers

For optimal health, you need to keep HbA1c in a zone. For example, if your HbA1c level is less than 4.9%, you may not have enough glucose in the blood to maintain optimal glucose levels for the brain, and mental fatigue will be likely.
A venous puncture to obtain the blood needed for the test will usually have a 0.1 percent lower HbA1c readout than the blood taken from a finger stick.
The process for this test is very similar to our Cellular Inflammation Blood Test if you are familiar with that. The kit arrives at your door; you register your sample, do the finger stick test, and put it in the mail. Within 1-2 weeks, your results will be in your e-mail inbox. The difference between the two tests is that the HbA1c requires three total drops of blood to be analyzed, whereas the AA/EPA test only requires one.

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