Zone Diet®
The Zone Can Help You Reach Your Goals
What Is The Zone Diet®?
What Is The Zone?
There are three clinical markers that define if you are in the Zone. If all three clinical markers are within their ideal values, you are in the Zone. Otherwise, you are not.
Based on these values, most Americans are not properly managing diet-induced inflammation and falling within the parameters of the Zone. In the Zone, you will live a longer and better life because you are controlling diet-induced inflammation. That is the secret to maintaining wellness.
Clinical Marker | Ideal Value | What It Indicates |
TG/HDL ratioFrom your diet. | < 1 | Your level of insulin resistance in the liver. *Typically included with normal blood work within your cholesterol panel. Ask your doctor. |
AA/EPA ratioFrom your diet & fish oil. | 1.5-3 | Your level of diet-induced Inflammation in the body. Take The Zone Labs Cellular Inflammation Test |
HbA1cFrom your diet & polyphenols. | 5% | Your level of Advanced Glycoslated Endproducts (AGE) tied to your blood glucose. *To measure your level of blood sugar over a three-month period, ask your doctor. |
What Are The Benefits Of
Being In The Zone?
Benefits of being in The Zone include:
• Losing excess body fat at the fastest possible rate
• Maintaining wellness for a longer period of time
• Performing better
• Thinking faster
Controlling diet-induced inflammation is a life-long effort. It is inflammation that disrupts the hormonal communication in our cells that prevents us from reaching peak performance. Making the dietary changes to reach the Zone and stay there may initially appear difficult, but are well worth the effort.
At Zone Labs, we provide the dietary products, continuing education, and personal consultation to make getting into the Zone easier.

How The Zone Works
The Zone Diet requires that you simply balance your plate at every meal and snack with these nutrients:
1/3rd of your plate, add some lean protein, about the size and thickness of your palm. This could include egg whites, fish, poultry, lean beef or low-fat dairy.
2/3rds of your plate, add a lot colorful vegetables and a little fruit. Fruits and vegetables to avoid are those that are high in sugar (e.g., bananas, raisins) or starchy (e.g., potatoes, corn).
Add a little bit of monounsaturated fat. This could include olive oil, avocado, or almonds.
Learn the science behind the Zone Dietary Balance, or visit the Zone Food Block Guide.
Zone Food Pyramid
By restricting grains and starches and maximizing fruits and vegetables, those on the Zone diet will observe dramatic hormonal and anti-inflammatory benefits. If you balance your plate according to the Zone Diet blueprint, you end up with a Zone Food Pyramid that looks like the following:
The Zone Food Pyramid helps assure an optimal protein-to-glycemic load balance for improved hormonal control. Furthermore, it assures you have ample polyphenol levels in your diet. Polyphenol intake is important in controlling the bacteria composition of our digestive system, as well as activating anti-inflammatory and anti-aging genes.
Learn the science about the Zone Food Pyramid Biochemical Impact.

Zone Diet Anti-Inflammatory Supplements
As powerful as the Zone Diet® is, it is just one of three parts of the complete Zone Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition Program required to manage diet-induced inflammation for a lifetime.
Zone Diet® benefits can be enhanced with anti-inflammatory supplements. The two most powerful are ultra-refined omega-3 fatty acids, such as OmegaRx®2 Fish Oil, and purified polyphenol supplements, such as MaquiRx®. Collectively, these three distinct dietary components provide what is required to stay in the Zone.
3 Parts of the
Zone Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition Program

1. The Zone Diet®
Controls hormonal balance to reduce the generation of diet-induced inflammation. Consider replacing your daily pasta with Zone PastaRx Fusilli or Orzo, as it provides superior hunger control with 15 grams of protein per serving.
2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Increase the resolution of diet-induced inflammation with OmegaRx Fish Oil. Check your AA/EPA ratio with the Zone Blood Kit.
AA/EPA Ratio | Cellular Inflammation | Future Wellness |
1.5 to 3.0 | Low | Excellent |
3.1 to 6.0 | Moderate | Good |
6.1 to 15 | Elevated | Moderate |
Greater than 15 | High | Poor |
3. Polyphenols
Control gut biology and slow the aging process with MaquiRx or other Zone polyphenol supplements.
Each of the three components of the Zone program is powerful in its own right, but working together, they provide a powerful dietary roadmap to get you to the Zone where diet-induced inflammation can be controlled throughout your life.

Putting It All Together
Combining the Zone Diet® with anti-inflammatory supplements provides the basis for the Zone Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition Program, which takes you back to the beginning of modern medicine when Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.”
We finally have the breakthroughs in molecular biology to understand the power of those words and the importance of being in the Zone. The Zone Diet® makes it possible with the least effort on your part.
Losing excess body fat, maintaining wellness, improving athletic performance, or slowing the rate of aging are dependent on your ability to reduce diet-induced inflammation. We understand that changing your diet can be difficult. At Zone Labs, we provide you the products, continuing dietary education, and personal support that makes dietary change possible for you.

Be Even More Precise
Want to have an even stronger connection to the Zone?
• Make your own meals – When cooking, consult the Zone Food Block Guide, or access hundreds of Zone Recipes.
• Determine how much protein you need to maintain your muscle mass – use our Body Fat Calculator. Then spread the recommended amount of protein you need throughout the day, balancing it with the correct amount of colorful carbohydrates.
Make getting started easier with
Dr. Sears’ Zone Products
Always start with the Zone Diet® as your dietary foundation. Then use our recommended food and supplement products to get even better results to optimize your health and nutrition.